Rainer Werner Fassbinder (1945 - 1982)

Rainer Werner Fassbinder, poet, actor, screenwriter, director, and producer. Internationally, he is the best-known representative of the New German Cinema Movement. His oeuvre is comprised of 44 movies, 28 plays and adaptations, as well as numerous writings (poems, prose, essays). He is one of the most famous 20th-century German film artists. To this day, his films and plays are presented all over the world. Contemporary directors from across the world point him out as an artistic inspiration to their own work. They include Todd Haynes and Spike Lee in the US, François Ozon / France, Pedro Almodóvar / Spain, and Wong-Kar-Wai / China. His theater work is among the most frequently performed german plays on international stages. One of the great current domestic successes is Thomas Ostermeier’s stage version of The Marriage of Maria Braun, recently invited to numerous international theater events.




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