Margit Carstensen (1940) is Maja Schmid-Genter.

The theater actress joined the group around Fassbinder’s antiteater in 1970. RWF wrote major stage and film roles for her, including Goldonia in THE COFFEE HOUSE, Geesche Gottfried in BREMEN FREEDOM, Petra von Kant in THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT and Nora in NORA HELMER. Other leads in Fassbinder films are MARTHA, FEAR OF FEAR, MOTHER KÜSTERS GOES TO HEAVEN, SATAN’S BREW, and CHINESE ROULETTE. After their seperation in the mid-1970s, she held a long-time engagements at some of the leading German theater ensembles (Bremen, Bochum, Stuttgart, Berlin), working with leading directors, like Hansgünther Heyme, Leander Hausmann and Christoph Schlingensief.




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