Katrin Schaake (1931) play the employee in the transfer room.

She began her career in 1959, starring in the film AUS DEM TAGEBUCH EINES FRAUENARZTES with Rudolf Prack and then played a small role in WAS GIBT’S NEUES, PUSSY? starring Peter Sellers, Romy Schneider, and Woody Allen, this film received an Oscar nomination. Starting in 1969, she repeatedly worked with Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Her films include LOVE IS COLDER THAN DEATH, KATZELMACHER, GODS OF THE PLAGUE, WHITY, BEWARE OF A HOLY WHORE, RIO DAS MORTES, PIONEERS IN INGOLSTADT, THE AMERICAN SOLDIER and THE BITTER TEARS OF PETRA VON KANT. The latter falls into the period in which she was married to Ulli Lommel. She then lived with the german singer Marius-Müller Westernhagen and works today as a traditional healer.




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