Gottfried John (1942) is the ID unit Einstein.

He began his acting career in 1963 at Berlin’s Schiller Theater. JAIDER – THE LONELY HUNTER (1971) marked his first film appearance. Fassbinder discovered him then for his legendary workers serial EIGHT HOURS DON’T MAKE A DAY where he starred as a worker´s son, named Jochen. Afterwards, he appeared in nine more Fassbinder films before he achieved world fame as the stuttering Reinhold Hoffmann in BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ. Since then, John has worked in international film and TV productions, primarily in England and Italy, including the James Bond classic GOLDEN EYE, Volker Schlöndorff’s THE OGRE,and ASTERIX AND OBELIX AGAINST CAESAR, where he starred beside Gérard Depardieu. He may also be seen in contemporary German movies and recently gave an admirable portrayal of Peachum in Klaus Maria Brandauer’s Berlin production of the Three Penny Opera (Brecht/Weill).




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