Fritz Müller-Scherz

Was a film journalist before he became the first business manager of the Filmverlag der Autoren. For some years, he was part of the Fassbinder-Factory. His affiliations include assistant director for EFFI BRIEST, ALI: FEAR EATS THE SOUL, as well as MARTHA. He and Fassbinder co-authored WORLD ON A WIRE. He published, together with Wim Wenders, the film book “In the Course of Time” and he was his co-author in THE AMERICAN FRIEND. Fritz Müller-Scherz also acted in various German and international feature films and TV productions, including FIORILE by the Taviani Brothers, Helmut Dietl’s series KIR ROYAL and the international TV serial TRAFFIK by Channel 4 (Emmy-Award, British Academy Award). He is the author of more than forty TV scripts, among them the two-part film DER UNTERGANG DER PAMIR (THE DOWNFALL OF THE PAMIR). The independent author lives in Berlin, where he owns and operates the cocktail bar „Green Door”.



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